The internet and mobile technology has forever changed the way customers make purchases and how we need to market to them. Digital marketing over the last decade has been proven to be one of the most effective, if not the most effective, way to reach potential and existing customers at a reasonable price. If you aren't maximizing your digital marketing efforts then you'll need to implement some changes immediately to get back on track. Check to see if your digital marketing strategy is failing and falling into any of these mistake categories:
1. Failing To Update Your Blog
If your last blog post is a month ago, Google isn’t going to include it in a lot of searches, because there are a lot of other sites that are constantly updating their content and such sites have higher priority in Google’s eyes. No matter how well-made your blog is, if it isn’t up to date it isn’t going to appear on Google, which means that you aren’t going to draw a lot of new customers in. You might think that it’s counter-productive to dish out filler blog posts just so your blog will be updated, and that may be true, but it’s also kind of an excuse. Constantly keep your mind on creating new, interesting and relevant content that isn’t filler (or at least, not completely filler) and you’ll find that it will benefit your business greatly.
Remember, content is king for a reason! It gets real results.
2. Neglecting Your Data
Analytics are hands-down the best way to tell you what sells on the Internet these days. Look at the numbers a few times a week and try to deduce how you can improve your website based on those numbers. And honestly, looking at digital analytics is a lot easier than before. Some time ago you didn’t have applications such as Google Analytics that could provide you with this important information, and you’d have to do the research yourself. It’s still a bit of a tedious process, but significantly watered down compared to how it was a decade ago.
3. Not Hiring Real Industry Experts
Digital marketing is a creative process and requires you to know quite a bit about a number of things, and trying to do all of it yourself can often backfire, because you simply aren’t equipped with all the necessary knowledge, especially if you’re just starting off. Because of this, you should seriously consider putting together a team of experts, each of them in their own respective field, to help you out. This will yield you the best results, because not only will it split the workload, but you’ll have a number of people who you can trust and who know how to do their job. It's not always the best strategy to hire the cheapest candidate who is right out of college just because it makes financial sense / cents and you assume that because of their age they know everything about online marketing.
I'm all about saving money obviously, but remember this tidbit of marketing wisdom from Red Addair:
"If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur."
4. Text Overload
The more the better, right? Wrong. Unfortunately, with the constant distractions that plague Internet users nowadays, our attention spans are significantly shorter than they were several years ago, and most people will give up on your blog post if it’s too long or too broad. And besides, more content definitely doesn’t equate to better content. In fact, the fewer words you can use to make your point and elaborate your product/service, the less time and energy it will take the reader to understand what you’re on about – and therefore, the more likely they are to remain interested.
Images and video reign supreme in the digital world now, and don't you forget it!
5. Skimping On Digital Security
What does security have to do with digital marketing, you ask? Plenty, actually. Since most of your work is going to be conducted via the web, you’re going to be exposed to a variety of online security risks. There’s nothing worse than having a huge DDoS or a data leak happen to you, the moment that you thought everything else was going perfectly. The problem is that people these days don’t really comprehend how important Internet security is, until it’s too late. So don’t let that happen to you; set yourself up with some security plugins (if you’re using WordPress, there’s a myriad to choose from), perhaps a two-step authentication system and a good VPN to encrypt your connection.
Simply put, you can't effectively market to your customers if your websites aren't secure, customer data isn't secure, and your work computers are infected with viruses or ransomware.
6. Resorting To Clickbait Tactics
If your titles sound something like “This Product Will Change Your Life Forever”, you’re doing it wrong. These titles are misleading, annoying to readers, and not even that effective these days. When someone actually does end up clicking on your headline and find out they've been mislead, they'll leave the site immediately which will increase your bounce rate and hurt your SEO.
The fact of the matter is that people have been avoiding these ploys, so by using it you’re actually bound to lose their trust instead of gaining it. Be as honest as possible with your product, and don’t resort to misleading titles for email marketing, web page titles, or social media posts. If what you’re offering is a quality brand, you aren’t going to need it anyway, and you certainly don’t want to chase your clientele away. It’s an annoying marketing habit that needs to disappear, and the sooner it does, the better for all of us.
You might get some extra website traffic in the short term, but in the long term your credibility could be shot.
7. Neglecting Social Media Marketing
Unfortunately I see many inferior social media marketing campaigns daily. On Facebook I see pages with minimal likes, no interaction, infrequent posts, and negative comments posted without any response. Sometimes a post is unprofessional, negative, irrelevant, or mentions a polarizing issue (politics or religion for example). On Twitter I often see lack of interaction, unpolished profiles (no header, fuzzy profile picture, no background, poor profile wording), inconsistent posts, or irrelevant posts. Pinterest and Instagram accounts may be incomplete, ineffective, or non-existent. On LinkedIn I see company pages that aren't optimized at all and haven't been updated in years. Don't get me started on the profiles with selfies as their professional pictures, or their empty summary and experience sections. "Growth Hacking Ninja" is not a real term that should be listed on what is essentially an online resume and portfolio that can be viewed by anyone in the world.
The main issue I see on YouTube (besides low views and subscribers), is a lack of response to comments posted, including offensive language and spam. That isn't an issue due to a lack of talent or intelligence, it's really just a matter of insufficient effort and vigilance. YouTube success can often hinge on your dedication to your loyal viewers and prospective subscribers. On many of these platforms, the following : follower ratios may appear horrendous. Overall, I see a lack of consistency, interaction, professionalism, relevance, focus, and scale when it comes to many businesses and their social media marketing. Nowadays especially it's also crucial to have a very comprehensive and polished Instagram account and at least the beginnings of a Snapchat marketing strategy.
8. Neglecting Online Reputation Management
A lot of companies aren't monitoring feedback from their visitors, prospects, customers, or former employees. This includes review websites, business complaint sites, social media pages, forums, and more. It's crucial to monitor these pages to accentuate positive reviews and provide exceptional customer service to prevent negative reviews. If a negative review does occur, the situation needs to be rectified immediately before they reduce your online revenue generation. Organizations also shouldn't forget to monitor, correct, remove, or report any of the dozens or hundreds of business directories, aggregation sites, or spam sites that include your company's information. However, if you have an effective online marketing system in place, the overall significance and relevance of many of these inferior sites will be substantially decreased.
9. Failing To Gain Employee Support
Not everyone will agree with me on all of my thoughts on this topic, but I think everyone can agree that many employees have a vested interest in their company's success. If a company becomes more successful, it is more likely that the employees of that company will have greater opportunities and compensation. What I observe daily is a lack of employee online support and alignment. Employees do not link to their company's Facebook page. Employees do not properly link to their employer's LinkedIn company page. Mentions and hashtags are not mentioned in employee Twitter profiles. There are minimal likes, shares, or re-tweets. Sometimes on these social media platforms your employees could complain about work in general or their specific company on social media channels. A worst-case scenario could involve a scandal resulting in extremely negative publicity. In summary, lack of employee support or improper online behavior by employees can certainly be detrimental to overall digital marketing efforts.
You can't do it all on your own. If you can leverage employee support behind your digital marketing campaigns like HubSpot, Tech Target, IBM, SAP, Dell, and countless other companies you'll achieve far greater results.
10. Not Focusing On Profit Margins
Why should businesses use online marketing? MONEY! That's the bottom line. Cut expenses and increase revenue. Improve how others view your company and it will improve your BOTTOM LINE! It doesn't matter if you're running an ecommerce business, service company, or pastry shop. Everything that is published or managed online by a business should be achieving that goal directly or indirectly. But you would be surprised at the number of business websites and social media platforms that aren't generating revenue. Or they are only generating a fraction of the income they could be eliciting.
Sure, the website may cover the basics such as general product or service information. But do they allow the purchase of products or services directly from the site? Are gift cards and merchandise available for the visitor to buy to generate income and grow the brand? Are advertising networks enabled to monetize traffic? Is an email newsletter in place to convert prospects or remind current customers to continue buying and sharing their experience? Are you requesting visitor information so that their data can be passed along to the sales team for potential conversion? These are the questions that businesses need to be asking to make sure they aren't missing out on opportunities to leverage their online presence financially.
11. Lack Of Website Updates
This is one of the simplest things but you'd be surprised how many companies don't update their main websites. Many companies are not updating their main website design or basic website information including contact information, logos, blogs, or their latest promotions. Many companies also use an outdated website that was designed years ago and it shows (especially when compared with a competitor's state of the art website). The company website is often the first experience a potential customer will have with your business. Make it a positive, dynamic, mobile-first, and user-friendly experience. A business website needs to be constantly evolving and improving to reflect company changes and current market trends. And don't forget that it is almost mandatory these days to have a mobile-friendly website to avoid Google PageRank penalties and negative user experience.
And for the record, I understand that this website isn't exactly state-of-the-art. It's supposed to be frugal to go with the theme, it has been dependable over a period of nearly 10 years, and has made me thousands of dollars for every 1 dollar I've invested into it. It may not seem like a 6-figure website but it has been, and it has cost me only 3 figures! It all depends on the type of company you own and what type of image you need to portray.
Hopefully going over these potential mistakes has reminded you to improve your digital marketing strategies and ecommerce sales along with giving you a new perspective on some strategies you already employ. Digital marketing is all about keeping up with the times, sticking with strategies that have proven to be effective and dropping the other ones. It’s also about subtlety, drawing your audience in and building trust from the moment they stumble upon your product, and the difference between the good marketing and the bad is often only in the subtlety itself. We wish you the best of luck in all your further digital marketing endeavors, and as long as you keep these tips in mind we’re certain that they’re going to be successful.
I hope you enjoyed this article about digital marketing management mistakes to minimize if you want your company to be successful.
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Owner of the Bootstrap Business Blog
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