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9 Technologies For Your eCommerce Business That Will Help You Go Big

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Want to create an ecommerce website but have no idea about where to get started? 

Start looking for tools and technologies that big eCommerce businesses use. This will help make your job easier and accelerate growth. eCommerce business has witnessed tremendous success in the last two decades. From Amazon to eBay, there are numerous examples proving eCommerce has become a necessity for the people of today. These days, startups aren’t the only ones that opt for this quick and convenient way of selling goods and services, but even conventional organizations have adapted the eCommerce strategy. There are so many ways of doing the online business; however, the initial phase can be a little tricky. 

Various web technologies only provide basic facilities required for creating a website. But, there are many which have cutting-edge features such as professional templates, multiple payment methods, and excellent customer support. For instance, if you want to start an online leather jacket store, It is very important that you choose the most effective and helpful technologies for your eCommerce business. 

These web technologies will help you to take a wise decision. 

1. Squarespace 

If you want to create an image rich website for your online business, you should definitely try this one. Squarespace is a visually appealing platform that provides its client with full control over their products and services. Its beautiful templates and 24/7 services make it more and more unique. Other features include multiple shopping options, easy to manage inventories and coupon generation. All the websites created at Squarespace look very professional and sophisticated. It enables to quickly increase your following by providing amazing marketing tools. 

2. BigCommerce 

The developers of BigCommerce are spread throughout the whole world. This makes BigCommerce a very functional and thriving eCommerce technology. In BigCommerce, developers try really hard to adopt the most advanced technology trends. Some of its great features include round-the-clock customer support and improved SEO. It also gives you the liberty of using one platform to operate multiple WordPress websites at the same time. In 2014, this commerce engine had also won an EcommerceBytes Seller’s Choice Award. 

3. Shopify Plus 

Shopify Plus is a great Ecommerce platform, regardless of the size of your business. It is undoubtedly one of the most famous web technologies in the eCommerce business. It keeps on adding new and advanced features that make it more and more preferred hosting technology. Shopify Plus offers responsive checkout, which is a very useful feature as general transactions in ecommerce occur on mobiles. Another great feature is that the user can pay both in cash and in BitCoins. Finally, while there are a lot of other applaudable characteristics, one that makes it stand out is that you can operate multiple stores if you’re catering to several international markets. 

4. WooCommerce

It is a plugin that is integrated with WordPress. It is so convenient that today about 30% of eCommerce businesses are using this plugin. It is also designed for all sizes of online merchants. WooCommerce is a free base product that can be easily customized as per the business requirements. It offers multiple payment options. Through WooCommerce you can sell everything from appointments, content to physical products. It has a worldwide community of developers giving it great diversity. 

5. Magento 

It is a great place to manage B2B and B2C services. Magneto provides a flexible cloud solution to users. It ensures rapid business growth by providing full-lifecycle experience to the customers. Magneto caters all sizes of companies. The features include seamless third-party integrations and extraordinary facility to customize your site. Magneto’s page builder is a simple yet powerful editing tool that helps you to customize your site as per your business needs without any creative limitations. 

6. OpenCart 

OpenCart has multiple plugins and easy-to-use backend. The open source CMS provides services in different languages and deals in different currencies. Although OpenCart is not as comprehensive as the others in the competition yet, it has some good features. It gives you the liberty to set high standard user privileges and easy access to users. It offers management of multiple sites on a single interface, and you can also choose a different theme for every site. It supports product variables thus; you can sell any type and size of product and service through this platform. 

7. Drupal Commerce 

Drupal Commerce is a platform that allows you to create the most flexible sites for your eCommerce business. Its excellent features make it very easy for the online store owners to create a website faster that is also easy to manage. Apart from the basic requirements of eCommerce that are checkout forms, shopping cart, and product catalog management, it also has numerous amazing features. It has worked with several big sites such as and, and therefore it supports multiple transactions every day. There are a great number of contributors that have made this platform so diversified. Its popularity can also be measured by the fact that it is the second most used platform after WordPress for content management. 

8. OsCommerce 

OsCommerce provides extensive and absolute control over the website and the entire database. The community has update 8,825 add-ons that are completely free. There is a huge community of developers associated with OsCommerce who are available for your assistance all the time. It is one of the best open-source platforms available in the online business market today. It is a complete online store solution. It offers a highly advanced administration backend and a shop frontend which can be easily customized by the online store owner. 

9. KartRocket 

The platform had received about $2 million in funding in 2015. It provides verity storefront options and an easy-to-use back-end. KartRockte provides extensive services to both SMEs and big businesses. Its dynamic banner slideshow shows multiple offers and products right when the visitor enters the site. There multiple ways you can add your professional logo and content on your website making it the most customized and personalize platform. It is simple to use so that you don’t need to be an IT expert to operate your online store. Kartrocket provides 30 days go-live support during which the experts will provide you complete training regarding the operations. 


These are the nine most amazing web technologies we found for the ecommerce online merchants. No one can understand the objective and expectations of your business better than you. We hope that all these options will make your vision clearer and help you take a wise decision regarding your commerce business. 

AUTHOR BIO: Erica Silva is a blogger who loves to discover and explore the world around her. She writes about everything from marketing to technology, science and brain health. She enjoys sharing her discoveries and experiences with readers and believes her blogs can make the world a better place. Find her on Twitter: @ericadsilva1

I hope you enjoyed this blog post about the top technologies for your ecommerce store to help grow online sales.

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